Essentia: The Overachievers

Bottled water is a saturated category that is hard to stand-out in. But Essentia is different. It’s supercharged, ionized, alkaline water also known as “overachieving H2O.” So we turned to authentic overachieving millennials for this brand launch campaign to target our millennial audience where they shop, live, work and play. Campaign elements ranged from OOH to display and Instagram Stories to Snapchat activations with influencers.


Role: Social Creative Director

Group Creative Director: Brian Boord

Creative Director: Rhea Hanges

Art Direction/Design: Rhea Hanges, Kayla Fay, Mauro Borges, Dustin Schiltz

Copywriting: Josh Gloe, Curtis Peterschmidt, Thom Kordonowy

Social: Taylor Lovaas