Hefty SUStainability Campaign

Driving innovation in single-use plastics is hard. Driving sustainability efforts in single-use plastics is near impossible. Hefty took on the challenge, developing Energy Bag, an innovative sustainability program built to make the impossible possible. But, Hefty had a problem: consumers were skeptical of any sustainability or eco-friendly efforts the company put forward. Enter World’s Strongest Man Martins Licis, five 737 Airplanes and an epic campaign that caught the attention of media outlets, consumers and competitors. Across social, web and digital video channels our campaign helped Hefty generate 181 media stories, 110 million in reach all while converting more than 300 tons of hard-to-recycle plastics into valuable resources.


HERO :15




Story Ads: Snapchat & Instagram




media coverage:

Ad Age



Role: Creative Director

Executive Creative Director: Heath Pochucha

Group Creative Director: Jen Stocksmith

Art Direction: Meghan O’Brien

Copywriting: Mike Gibbs

Social Creative: Taylor Lovaas

Producer: Katie Derheim